I have a typical unity terrain and place 1x1 and 1x2 cubes and need ai to be able to pathfind.
I have tried
Dynamic Pathfinding
Apex Path
Default A* Pathfinding Project
The pathfinding has to be able to handle multiple level and overhangs and this makes typical grid based methods... somewhat less suited.
I have had some luck with dynamic ai, however the small 1x1 cubes barely have any of the grid on them and...
Voxel Pathfinding
I have tried
Dynamic Pathfinding
Apex Path
Default A* Pathfinding Project
The pathfinding has to be able to handle multiple level and overhangs and this makes typical grid based methods... somewhat less suited.
I have had some luck with dynamic ai, however the small 1x1 cubes barely have any of the grid on them and...
Voxel Pathfinding