Hey Everyone. This is the first major game im working on called The Little Secret. A first person survial / Horror Game.
I wont say that much about the story right now, as it plays a major part in the game, but the world has turned into a desert wasteland, riddled with radiation. At night, mutated humans (Well im not sure if you can call them humans anymore) come out and kill anyone or anything they see. The only thing that seems to hurt them is Light.
Your job is to discover what happened...
The Little Secret - First Person Survival / Horror Game
I wont say that much about the story right now, as it plays a major part in the game, but the world has turned into a desert wasteland, riddled with radiation. At night, mutated humans (Well im not sure if you can call them humans anymore) come out and kill anyone or anything they see. The only thing that seems to hurt them is Light.
Your job is to discover what happened...
The Little Secret - First Person Survival / Horror Game