Hello there.
I'm in the middle of scripting a custom window for my game project.
I have 2 scritps.
CustomWindow.cs <-- This being a custom window
CustomEditor.cs <-- This being a custom editor.
In the editor script using void OnSceneGUI; in order to cast rays to the suface, as well as instantiate objects on the surface.
Now I would like the object to be defined in the custom Window. I have the ObjectField working correctly.
Is there a way I could possibly require a component of...
RequireComponent from EditorWindow in Custom Editor?
I'm in the middle of scripting a custom window for my game project.
I have 2 scritps.
CustomWindow.cs <-- This being a custom window
CustomEditor.cs <-- This being a custom editor.
In the editor script using void OnSceneGUI; in order to cast rays to the suface, as well as instantiate objects on the surface.
Now I would like the object to be defined in the custom Window. I have the ObjectField working correctly.
Is there a way I could possibly require a component of...
RequireComponent from EditorWindow in Custom Editor?