View attachment 57945
Voxeland is a next generation of a cubic-style terrain, but a bit more than that: it is a subdivided and adroitly smoothed cubical structure.
The tool comes with all the assets can be seen in demo: land and grass textures, tree objects, shaders, scripts and even a simple sky. Actually, there is enough assets to make a simple game basics. It will be a good help in a game creation or prototyping.
Voxeland terrain could be modified and...
Voxeland - Voxel Terrain Tool
Voxeland is a next generation of a cubic-style terrain, but a bit more than that: it is a subdivided and adroitly smoothed cubical structure.
The tool comes with all the assets can be seen in demo: land and grass textures, tree objects, shaders, scripts and even a simple sky. Actually, there is enough assets to make a simple game basics. It will be a good help in a game creation or prototyping.
Voxeland terrain could be modified and...
Voxeland - Voxel Terrain Tool