Is an OrbitalTransposer body supposed to allow for vertical Y-axis movement (rotating above/below the follow target)?
I changed from a regular Transposer to an OrbitalTransposer to have my gamepad's Right Analog Stick orbit around the player, but it doesn't appear to be moving in the vertical Y-axis at all... Only the horizontal X-axis. I can confirm that the Input Provider is correctly receiving both axis values though.
I also tried manually changing the Virtual...
Getting Y-Axis movement to work with an OrbitalTransposer
I changed from a regular Transposer to an OrbitalTransposer to have my gamepad's Right Analog Stick orbit around the player, but it doesn't appear to be moving in the vertical Y-axis at all... Only the horizontal X-axis. I can confirm that the Input Provider is correctly receiving both axis values though.
I also tried manually changing the Virtual...
Getting Y-Axis movement to work with an OrbitalTransposer