When attempting to run a level of my game, I get this error with the stack trace below:
WebGL runtime error audio listener
When attempting to run a level of my game, I get this error with the stack trace below:
Code (CSharp):
- exception thrown: TypeError: Argument 1 of AudioListener.setPosition is not a finite floating-point value.,_JS_Sound_SetListenerPosition@blob:http://localhost:61867/1621702e-ea16-994c-b122-e425a39ff6d7:7562:2
- __ZN4FMOD6System23set3DListenerAttributesEiPK11FMOD_VECTORS3_S3_S3_@blob:http://localhost:61867/1bff9c54-239c-ca4b-af53-21b8b27a3900:1156383:1...