I'm working on a code generated menu that should work with both keyboard and mouse inputs.
1. I call EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(firstMenuOption) to get the first button highlighted
2. If the user decides to use the mouse instead of the keyboard
3. Then both the firstMenuOption and the button under the mouse cursor is in the highlighted state
I assume this is expected behaviour? Should I run through all my buttons and deselect them if the mouse is over a button ? Or is...
[Button] Keyboard and Mouse Highlighting
I'm working on a code generated menu that should work with both keyboard and mouse inputs.
1. I call EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(firstMenuOption) to get the first button highlighted
2. If the user decides to use the mouse instead of the keyboard
3. Then both the firstMenuOption and the button under the mouse cursor is in the highlighted state
I assume this is expected behaviour? Should I run through all my buttons and deselect them if the mouse is over a button ? Or is...
[Button] Keyboard and Mouse Highlighting