Desired effect: Stop spawning and let existing particles die out naturally.
Tried two methods: VisualEffect.Stop() or setting Spawn Rate = 0 via an exposed parameter (or a vary low rate like 0.1f). Both methods failed on Android.
Observed effect: Works fine in editor. On Android (Pixel 2 and 3 tested), the app crashes once all existing particles are gone. (In other works, at some random point in the future. Very rough debugging session.)
2020/09/24 21:01:18.392 10902 10926 Info Unity...
VisualEffect.Stop() or setting Spawn Rate = 0 causes crash on Android.
Tried two methods: VisualEffect.Stop() or setting Spawn Rate = 0 via an exposed parameter (or a vary low rate like 0.1f). Both methods failed on Android.
Observed effect: Works fine in editor. On Android (Pixel 2 and 3 tested), the app crashes once all existing particles are gone. (In other works, at some random point in the future. Very rough debugging session.)
2020/09/24 21:01:18.392 10902 10926 Info Unity...
VisualEffect.Stop() or setting Spawn Rate = 0 causes crash on Android.