The rules are simple - review the snippet of code in the post above yours, and then paste a snippet of your own code for review by your fellow programmers of the Unity forums. This is a fun little...
View Article[RELEASED] Star Wars : Commander
Available Exclusively at the App Store: And for anyone in NYC, our EP and AD will be at the Apple Store Soho (6pm EST) for a Meet The Creator panel hosted by...
View ArticleAccepting your 2D quests! Concept Artist / Illustrator
Hey Everybody, My Name is Emanuel Pessel (aka. Eludor). I'm a concept artist and illustrator from germany. I worked at Daedalic Entertainment on the game "Alcatraz 1954" which shipped in january this...
View ArticleDynamic Text - Pixel-perfect and sharp like GUIText, part of scene like...
Dynamic Text for Unity. LINK TO ASSET STORE: Check out more info and interactive demo in the Dynamic Text website. Also a "Lorem Ipsum"-demo version...
View ArticleSpriteTile, a tile system that works with Unity 4.3 sprites (RELEASED)
SpriteTile (asset store) is a new tile system that's built with and works seamlessly with the sprite system in Unity 4.3 and later. Super-efficient tile format means you can have vast levels with no...
View ArticleAfter playing minecraft...
First, I thoroughly enjoyed the game. It's amazing how something so simple on the surface can be so much fun But, in playing it, I found myself wondering about terrain engine of sorts he used. Does he...
View ArticleCould not produce class with ID 91 - iOS
I receive this error when loading my asset bundle. Does anyone know what class ID 91 corresponds to? It is not listed in the class ID reference page.
View ArticleWhy does reviving old threads get them locked here?
If you have a question regarding the content of an old thread, surely the best place to post it is on the thread in question. The OP might not still be around to answer but the rest of the community...
View Article[RELEASED] trueSKY Alpha for Unity Pro - Volumetric Skies, Clouds, and...
I'm happy to announce that trueSKY Alpha for Unity is now available in the Unity Asset Store. Buy trueSKY Alpha for Unity in the Asset Store Price: $250 For the next two days, we will hold at the...
View ArticlePhoton Unity Networking
Photon Unity Networking Get it. No server setup needed - runs in the Photon Cloud. No obligation due to free plan. Download from the Asset Store: Overview This package implements...
View ArticleCan I pause my game using Time.timeScale = 0 and still run animated UI...
(This has been added to the stickies thread.) Yes! Set the "Update Mode" to "Unscaled Time" Spoiler: Sample Pause Script in C# and UnityScript Sample Pause Script [C#] Code (CSharp): using UnityEngine;...
View Article"Unity Technologies weighs its options, including a possible sale of the...
So this just came up in my news feed... This summer, rumors of a possible sale surfaced again. One shareholder,...
View ArticleDetermining Which GameObject Is Closer To An Object.
I have an array of AI cars and a checkpoint. What I'm trying to do is get which car is closer to that checkpoint in order. I've calculated the distance from the checkpoint to the cars and I have a List...
View ArticleRandom number chosen except one
With Random.Range (0,10) a number between 0 and 10 is randomly chosen. Now I want to have a random number between 0 and 10 except one specific number, for example 5. So only from the numbers...
View ArticleBackBuffer ALPHA channel doesn't work on Android devices
Hi, After recent update from Unity 4.1.x to 4.5, I've found quite critical issue with frame buffer on Android devices. Repro: 1. Set camera clear flags to solid color, as rendering path use Forward. 2....
View Article[Released] Core GameKit! Pooling / Spawning / Combat / Variables with no coding!
$10 insanity sale! Now 80% off regular price of $50! Limited time only. Works on Unity V 3.5.7+ and all versions of Unity 4! Full pooling & combat systems included! Dramatically speed up your time...
View ArticleNetwork.Instantiate confusion (#2)
Basically this: I was looking for a way to check client input to the server before processing it (RPC/Instantiate) but did not...
View ArticleZoom script works ocasionally in Unity3d play or on Android mobile build
Hello to all. I need some help in order to resolve an issue that came up in my under development app for Android, in Unity3d. I have the following script that is invoked through another script, has to...
View ArticleRPG/FPS Project 2014
Project 2014 Code name: Blue About [HR][/HR] This project is a new project in development by the group Great Arc Studios. Great Arc Studios is a new group (about one year old) who have created various...
View Article[Solved] Rect VS Bounds - Differences and uses?
Hey everyone! So I was just reworking some code to stop using unnecessary BoxCollider2Ds and I suddenly came to realize that I had no idea what the actual differences between Rect and Bounds are. I've...
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