Ultimate Inventory System C#
Ultimate Inventory It's Now Available : https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/19900 Here are all the already implemented features : Inventory supports unlimited number of pick-able items....
View Article"What Happened?" and various Ramblings.
Click this --> http://www.iesherpa.com/?p=330 There are a lot of people making games. I would guesstimate that with the there are probably 180,000-250,000 game developers in North America, Canada...
View ArticleUniStorm v1.8.1 - Dynamic Day & Night Weather System [RELEASED]
What is UniStorm? UniStorm 1.8.1 is released, look below for all features and updates. UniStorm is an incredibly powerful dynamic day and night weather system that creates realistic storms and weather...
View ArticleEverything vibrating when terrain too large
When we use our main level terrain (36000x36000), the UV's on the terrain virbrate slightly and so does the characters weapon, it seems anything graphical being rendered does, what causes this and how...
View ArticleWorldComposer a tool to create real World AAA quality terrain
For a limited time only, instead of $90, I’m doing a custom sale with 50% off for $45, for both TerrainComposer and WorldComposer! Make sure you grab your copy before they are back on $90!...
View ArticleScrolling Scroll Rect with Buttons
I am trying to create something like the following for my level selection (taken from bing) So, I want to allow the player to scroll through the levels by clicking/holding the left/right arrows. By...
View ArticleCannot import at right orientation from Blender
I am using Blender 2.73a and no matter what export settings I attempt, Unity will not import at the correct orientation (Y UP) I've tried exporting as .obj and .fbx and flipping which axis is forward...
View ArticleHacking vs. engineering
Hi everyone, Unity was by far the most used engine during the Global Game Jam '15 last weekend. To some extent that's because it allows you to prototype - aka 'hack together' - a game very rapidly. I...
View ArticleLow poly world
I searched over 10 hours and can't find some code or a libary for a low poly game. I want to create a low poly world like this http://b.vimeocdn.com/ts/407/486/407486446_640.jpg from modifying a...
View Articlehow to say that in c# ?
i want to say that but it is give me error i tried if while switch for but all give me error Code (CSharp): if (_anothercamera.SetActive(false)) { transform.Translate(new...
View ArticlePolyWorld for Unity
Polyworld is a high-performance suite of powerful tools and 3D artwork to create a flat-shaded, faceted world inside the Unity engine. PolyWorld Home Page Create your world using the familiar Unity...
View ArticleRewired - Advanced Input for Unity
I'd like to announce my new input system for Unity, Rewired. If you find it useful, please help me spread the word by Tweeting, sharing with your friends on Facebook, and spreading the word in the...
View ArticleSelling A game with free version
Alright so once you complete your project with the free version how does unity track that you have made 100k usd in a year
View Articleuse dFdx in glsl 2.0 shader in unity
Hi all ,I found this,but how to use in unity? https://answers.madewithmarmalade.com/questions/27082/glsl-shader-and-dfdx.html
View ArticleFull Inspector: Inspector and serialization for structs, dicts, generics,...
Free fully featured trial here (v2.5)! 2.5 is out: The most polished Full Inspector ever and fiValue<T>, enabling Full Inspector without deriving from BaseBehavior! View attachment 99852 Inspect...
View Article3d modeling software
Hi everyone, I am new on 3d modeling and game development industry. I want to learn these stuff, but I don't know what to choose between Blender and Cinema4d. Any help or some reviews on advantages and...
View ArticleAnnoying bug with child canvasses
When I create a canvas with a bunch of child canvasses like this (ignore the names for now): Where the child canvasses are set up like this: And then press play or save the scene, specific child...
View ArticleStepped Animation Keyframes
Hello all. I'm trying to make an animation look like stop motion. For this, I need the keyframes to have stepped tangents. I set all of them to constant in the animation graph editor but it acts like...
View ArticleUI Question
hello all I have a UI and behind it some 3d objects. I raycast to those objects(on mouse click ) and do some works. My question is that, when UI pops up, I dont want objects to be affected from rays...
View Article" Crafty "patching system for Unity projects.
View attachment 75161 Crafty is a two in one program that will help you update all your work made in unity. It will allow you to connect Launcher to your website or server, providing your...
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