Text Box 2 beta
Text Box 2 Beta is now available on the Asset Store! Over two years ago, I put Text Box on the asset store, and it is still making people happy with its great features. But now it is time to make...
View ArticleFree Live Online Training from Unity Technologies
Unity Technologies presents free live online training. There are some great advantages of this new set up: No preregistration is required. Simply turn up and participate. No class size limits. We can...
View ArticleRaycast ignoring player
I'm having problems with a raycast. the script is attatched to the AI model, the ray origin is the AI model and is directed towards the player. The Ray however will not respond to anything that is...
View ArticleOculus Rift en Unity
Hola a todos, me he encontrado con un problema al implementar Oculus a la Escena. El problema es que cuando lo uso en escena en lugar del "FirstPerson" los elementos como GUI y UI (textos) no los veo,...
View ArticleSpace Shooter Tutorial Q&A
There are several problems with this tutorial that were I not experienced in developing, lead to relative dead ends for new people. The engine component for the ship engines_player, does not render in...
View ArticleRelief Terrain Pack (RTP) v3 on AssetStore
Below demo relies on RTP3.0, but still it's so eye candy: Watch in Chrome full HD 60fps (in FF it jitters a bit at 30fps) Note that above RTP3 Island Demo movie (grabbed from realtime build) consists...
View Article.wav format problem, only buzzes in-game
Hi all I have weird issue with .wav (or .aiff). When I import them and play them independently (in editor) it works just fine, but when I start the game the sound file just buzzes and that is it....
View ArticleIssue with Switch statement? Maybe? Please help!
Thanks to user @Karwler I have made a lot of headway on this issue, but I am getting an error that is keeping my script(s) from working properly. In short, I want to make an object appear by clicking...
View ArticleUnity UI 4.6 inputfield bug or behavoir?
I'm having problems with unity inputfields keep taking keyboard input after I have pressed return. I have written three questions regarding this on unity answers but so far not got any positive...
View ArticleUnity 4.2 - Stencils for portal rendering
Hi, One of the more interesting features of Unity 4.2 Pro, is the inclusion of access to the stencil buffer, which has a wide range of uses and enables a number of different effects. Two of the most...
View ArticleLost Hope [2D Survival Horror Game]
Lost Hope Hello Unity forums,we are Somber Pixel! We are developing a pixel art survival horror game called Lost Hope. Lost Hope is a survival horror game were you can freely explore a whole city and...
View ArticleLens | Dark Game inspired by LIMBO!
Hello there, fellow Unity developers! Today, I'll finally release the official thread for my game which also finally has received a name, "Lens". Lens is a 2.5D puzzle, mystery and horror game with...
View Article[WIP] Lightrise - A skill-based multi-player combat game
Lightrise is a passion project I've been working on for about 2 months now (a lot of hours ). It is a skill-based, player vs. player combat game in a fantasy setting. It's focused on fun, fluent and...
View ArticleHow do kickstarter projects with 20-40k make a game
I am working on my first game which will be a platformer for the WiiU and maybe steam. Right now I am making a prototype while I learn the ropes of Unity and C# and working on my Game Design Document....
View ArticleFacebook api scores
Hello Unity Community. I've been having some problems with the latest facebook api. I'm trying to make a facebook leaderboard system for my new game, this didnt seem to work because of a permission I...
View Article[Game wont open] Mali 400, PowerVR SGX and Adreno
Il just put this in here if anyone wants to try it on a emulator/phone with the GPU: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.NaniDev.PokeAttack So the game doesnt even open on the devices, it...
View ArticleUnity Javascript Game Tutorials. Where to find?
Where can I find some good Tutorials for making games in Unity using JavaScript?
View ArticlehalfDir?
What is the fixed3 "halfDir" parameter found on some shaders (such as Mobile/Bumped Specular)? It seems to be undocumented ( http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/30_search.html?q=halfdir as opposed to...
View Article[Official] Request for Unity OS X standalone platform feedback
Hi all! We would like to hear your thoughts about our Unity OS X standalone platform i.e. Unity OS X player. Please take a moment to answer the following questions to help us make Unity OS X standalone...
View ArticleWhy is rigidbody2D calling OnCollisionEnter2D method?
I got 1 gameobject with 1 child under it. child components: script with OnCollisionEnter2D(Debug.Log("child")); circleCollider2D for parent boxCollider2D rigidbody2D script with...
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