Here is my scene below. The camera has an animation to sway left and right and loops seamlessly. Help.PNG?dl=0
I want to be able to click on Options text and the Camera turn to the right to display an options menu.
Can anyone help me come up with the script for it (preferably JS but anything will do). My 3d text objects are named like Singleplayer_text and so on. The camera name is just main camera. Any knowledge you have for me...
Need Help Coding JS 3d Text Menu Help.PNG?dl=0
I want to be able to click on Options text and the Camera turn to the right to display an options menu.
Can anyone help me come up with the script for it (preferably JS but anything will do). My 3d text objects are named like Singleplayer_text and so on. The camera name is just main camera. Any knowledge you have for me...
Need Help Coding JS 3d Text Menu