Hi there Uniteers,
As a part of my study, I have joined a danish game development program called DADIU that attempts to prepare students for the game development industry by putting the students into groups of 18-20 and develope a single game over the course of six weeks, supported with lectures. The group consist of a varying amount of proffesions; Game Director, Game Designers, Level Directors, CG artists, Programmers, Audio designers and...
Preparing for an upcomming project with 18 collaborators. Advice is needed.
As a part of my study, I have joined a danish game development program called DADIU that attempts to prepare students for the game development industry by putting the students into groups of 18-20 and develope a single game over the course of six weeks, supported with lectures. The group consist of a varying amount of proffesions; Game Director, Game Designers, Level Directors, CG artists, Programmers, Audio designers and...
Preparing for an upcomming project with 18 collaborators. Advice is needed.