I've recently dived full time into working on my own game. I've only made smaller games or been just a part-time contributor before, so this is a huge step for me.
After attending Unite 2014, I decided on using Unity as my engine. I figured since I was brand to Unity and taking such a scary step into the unknown, I should make video blogs talking about my progress, difficulties, etc.
The first one mostly covers who I am, my background, my idea for the game and my motivations. The next two go...
Unity First Timer Video Blogs on making a Unity2D, top-down adventure crafting game
After attending Unite 2014, I decided on using Unity as my engine. I figured since I was brand to Unity and taking such a scary step into the unknown, I should make video blogs talking about my progress, difficulties, etc.
The first one mostly covers who I am, my background, my idea for the game and my motivations. The next two go...
Unity First Timer Video Blogs on making a Unity2D, top-down adventure crafting game