what I am trying to achieve is a text animation where every word fades in individually, one after the other.
Seemingly, there is a way to access words alpha value individually like this:
So I tried looping through all words and tweening their alpha-values one after the other.
Sadly, what happens is that always the whole text (all words) is alpha-tweened, most likely because "textComponent" always...
Have words fade in one by one
what I am trying to achieve is a text animation where every word fades in individually, one after the other.
Seemingly, there is a way to access words alpha value individually like this:
Code (CSharp):
- GetComponent<TextMeshPro>.textInfo.wordInfo[0].textComponent.alpha
Sadly, what happens is that always the whole text (all words) is alpha-tweened, most likely because "textComponent" always...
Have words fade in one by one