The Core Chronicles - Reborn
So I previously posted about this game about 4 or 5 months ago as Christmas Ham Games and almost got a alpha client out.... Then I got a syntax error with no trace-back making the game unrecoverable. I have learned from my mistakes and I'm remaking the game that I so desired to make 5 months ago. The Core Chronicles is back and I'm more experienced then ever with a new solo dev name B3nac Games.
Game story (Still evolving): The hero is on a...
[WIP] The Core Chronicles - Action Adventure RPG
So I previously posted about this game about 4 or 5 months ago as Christmas Ham Games and almost got a alpha client out.... Then I got a syntax error with no trace-back making the game unrecoverable. I have learned from my mistakes and I'm remaking the game that I so desired to make 5 months ago. The Core Chronicles is back and I'm more experienced then ever with a new solo dev name B3nac Games.
Game story (Still evolving): The hero is on a...
[WIP] The Core Chronicles - Action Adventure RPG