This is Sky MASTER, the new asset for Sky control and artistic design. The tool was inspired by the need to have fully controllable spectacular skies, dynamic & volumetric clouds in Unity Free, with complete seasonal control, weather effects like rain, tornados, heavy strorms with lightning, snow storms with freeze and ice formation effects and much more.
This initial release is the "ULTIMATE" version at the price of the core, this includes both...
[50% off SALE]Sky Master - Day cycle, Weather & Volume Clouds, GI & Phys. Based Light Scatter
This is Sky MASTER, the new asset for Sky control and artistic design. The tool was inspired by the need to have fully controllable spectacular skies, dynamic & volumetric clouds in Unity Free, with complete seasonal control, weather effects like rain, tornados, heavy strorms with lightning, snow storms with freeze and ice formation effects and much more.
This initial release is the "ULTIMATE" version at the price of the core, this includes both...
[50% off SALE]Sky Master - Day cycle, Weather & Volume Clouds, GI & Phys. Based Light Scatter