Hello there,
I've been fussing for hours and hours trying to figure out why my game feels "bad" and I've come to the conclusion: All of the Unity input is 1 frame behind! I verified this by lowering the framerate to a point where this became obvious. Need more proof? I got the XInputDotNetPure library for gamepad input and it is squarely one frame AHEAD of the Unity input methods. I am infuriated, frustrated, you name it. You'd think this would be fixed.
I am currently looking for a way...
1 Frame Lag With All Control Input. Rage.
I've been fussing for hours and hours trying to figure out why my game feels "bad" and I've come to the conclusion: All of the Unity input is 1 frame behind! I verified this by lowering the framerate to a point where this became obvious. Need more proof? I got the XInputDotNetPure library for gamepad input and it is squarely one frame AHEAD of the Unity input methods. I am infuriated, frustrated, you name it. You'd think this would be fixed.
I am currently looking for a way...
1 Frame Lag With All Control Input. Rage.