I am using the MouseLook script below that I got from Unity forums to move my camera around. I am attempting to create a simple zoom effect by increasing the Field of View then having the transform look at the point I want. The point I am aiming at is the exact one I want as tested using CreatePrimitive() on top of it.
When holding the right mouse button to activate the zoom, the aim is always off by a rather significant amount (and it's not because the...
Zoom camera's aim is off. Quaternions completely baffling me
I am using the MouseLook script below that I got from Unity forums to move my camera around. I am attempting to create a simple zoom effect by increasing the Field of View then having the transform look at the point I want. The point I am aiming at is the exact one I want as tested using CreatePrimitive() on top of it.
When holding the right mouse button to activate the zoom, the aim is always off by a rather significant amount (and it's not because the...
Zoom camera's aim is off. Quaternions completely baffling me